Need Asian, Chinese and Japanese male for a photoshoot

Actor casting: Chinese/Japanese/Asian man 20-35, would play a Japanese soldier role for a shoot on Sunday, March 14th from 8am to 4pm. This is for a movie titled BATTLEBOX. Please send your CV & photos to Mc*** for casting. More information about the film can be found on the company website page: MCCOURRY.COM


In 1941, Hong Kong is the Eastern Fortress of the British Empire. With the sudden attack by Japanese forces, three intertwined stories unravel against the backdrop of a collapsing city. First, the story of two Chinese sisters, one who works as a courtesan, the other inside British military headquart...
Craig McCourry
10 мар 2021 в 11:26
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Required models
Model Requirements: 1 Female + 1 Male model (holding work permit In HK) Date: Week of 15th March 2021 (Exact shoot date ...
Оплата: 400 ¥ в час
Требуются модели с темными волосами для работы на выставке Прод Экспо
МОДЕЛИ-БРЮНЕТКИ на выставку "Продэкспо" Даты: 12-16 апреля (5 дней) Время: 9:00-18:00 Рост от 175 см Функционал: ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽ в день
Требуется девушка с короткой стрижкой на съемку украшений
Москва, девушка с короткой стрижкой на съёмку серёжек Съёмка украшений в четверг, 06.12 с 11 до 13 часов, метро ...
Оплата: По договоренности