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#Hong Kong
Need Asian, Chinese and Japanese male for a photoshoot
Actor casting: Chinese/Japanese/Asian man 20-35, would play a Japanese soldier role for a shoot on Sunday, March 14th from 8am to 4pm. This is for a movie titled BATTLEBOX. Please send your CV & photos to Mc***@gmail.com for casting. More information about the film can be found on the company website page: MCCOURRY.COM
In 1941, Hong Kong is the Eastern Fortress of the British Empire. With the sudden attack by Japanese forces, three intertwined stories unravel against the backdrop of a collapsing city. First, the story of two Chinese sisters, one who works as a courtesan, the other inside British military headquart...
In 1941, Hong Kong is the Eastern Fortress of the British Empire. With the sudden attack by Japanese forces, three intertwined stories unravel against the backdrop of a collapsing city. First, the story of two Chinese sisters, one who works as a courtesan, the other inside British military headquart...

Model Requirements: 1 Female + 1 Male model (holding work permit In HK) Date: Week of 15th March 2021 (Exact shoot date ...
Оплата: 400 ¥ per hour

МОДЕЛИ-БРЮНЕТКИ на выставку "Продэкспо"
Даты: 12-16 апреля (5 дней)
Время: 9:00-18:00
Рост от 175 см
Функционал: ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽ per day

Москва, девушка с короткой стрижкой на съёмку серёжек
Съёмка украшений в четверг, 06.12 с 11 до 13 часов, метро ...
Оплата: By agreement