Все кастинги
#Los Angeles
Looking for African models for outdoor shoot
Casting African-American family for an outdoor photoshoot.
1 father (30-40yo)
1 mother (25-40yo)
1 boy (4-10yo)
1 girl (4-10yo)
Ideally we are looking for a real family but if that's not possible we will be casting each person individually. Modeling/Acting experience is a plus. Photoshoot will be outdoor, on a white backdrop and will take around 4hours. There will be two outfits: casual and smart casual + some props. The photoshoot themes: family walking, standing, having picnic, using props and accessories, children playing etc.
The background of the final photos will be removed and pictures will be uploaded to the website vishopper.com which is an image bank of cut out images to be used in 3D visualizations by architects and architectural visualizers or something in that vein.
We are planning to shoot last week of March depending on everyone's availability and weather.
Please send your submission to: em***@gmail.com
or comment on this post. VISHOPPER
Los Angeles Contract One-off payment of $200 Apply Now
Casting African-American family for an outdoor photoshoot.
1 father (30-40yo)
1 mother (25-40yo)
1 boy (4-10yo)
1 girl (4-10yo)
Ideally we are looking for a real family but if that's not possible we will be casting each person individually. Modeling/Acting experience is a plus. Photoshoot will be outdoor, on a white backdrop and will take around 4hours. There will be two outfits: casual and smart casual + some props. The photoshoot themes: family walking, standing, having picnic, using props and accessories, children playing etc.
The background of the final photos will be removed and pictures will be uploaded to the website vishopper.com which is an image bank of cut out images to be used in 3D visualizations by architects and architectural visualizers or something in that vein.
We are planning to shoot last week of March depending on everyone's availability and weather.
Please send your submission to: em***@gmail.com
or comment on this post. VISHOPPER
Los Angeles Contract One-off payment of $200 Apply Now

Г. Алматы
*Нужна девушка на роль стюардессы* *модельной внешности*
Рост от *180* см
Возраст *от 20 до 35 лет*
Оплата: By agreement

Добрый день.
Ищу фотографа на пешую прогулку (1-1.5 часа) и на регистрацию брака (молодожёны и родители).
Варианты ...
Оплата: By agreement

My fiance and I are thinking of doing our engagement photos in the next couple of weeks and we are looking ...
Оплата: By agreement