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Looking for females for a video shoot
[PAID PROJECT] Open Casting for Ad & Video Shoot
Ad agency is casting *female talents* for an upcoming project for a FMCG hair brand
Indoor studio shoot duration: 2 days
Estimated project period: March/April
- Talents must be willing to have hair colored by brand's color technicians
- Talents will appear in an online styling session (separate day) Age group: 18 - 45
Ethnicity: Any & all are welcome
Please send the following information to ca***@thinkads.com.sg by 15 March 2021 with subject title, FMCG Talent
1) Recent photos: half body & full body
2) Age
3) Height
4) Usual clothing size
5) Recent print/acting work, if any
Attachments should not exceed 03 MB.
We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Thank you!
Ad agency is casting *female talents* for an upcoming project for a FMCG hair brand
Indoor studio shoot duration: 2 days
Estimated project period: March/April
- Talents must be willing to have hair colored by brand's color technicians
- Talents will appear in an online styling session (separate day) Age group: 18 - 45
Ethnicity: Any & all are welcome
Please send the following information to ca***@thinkads.com.sg by 15 March 2021 with subject title, FMCG Talent
1) Recent photos: half body & full body
2) Age
3) Height
4) Usual clothing size
5) Recent print/acting work, if any
Attachments should not exceed 03 MB.
We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Thank you!

Нужны модели девушки 20-35 лет с естественной внешностью для съемки бренда косметики 17 марта
Дата: 17 марта
Время ...
Оплата: 550 UAH

Для съемок клипа в конце марта ищем взрослых мужчин.
Типажи - как на фото.
Возраст - 45-60 лет.
Ставьте плюс в ...
Оплата: By agreement

На 12.03 для съёмок в клипе ищем мужчин и женщин лет 32-38
Занятость часа на три.
Ставка от 1000
Оплата: 1000 ₽