Все кастинги
#Hong Kong
Looking for stylists
Looking for stylists with young creative aesthetic for work on a range of projects. We will shoot across lingerie, fitness, outdoor lifestyle and adventure lifestyle products and will work on location, mostly available light, using a documentary approach. If you know are a stylist, or would like to recommend someone, please PM here or WhatsApp: 852.5991.7652
Good luck everyone!
Good luck everyone!

One female model required for, Hindi video song
Budget:5-8k / day ...
Оплата: 8000 ₹ per day

Paid Models Needed! LM Brands are looking for a brunette male and blonde female model for an editorial fashion shoot ...
Оплата: By agreement

На съемку рекламы 9.03.2021 ищем двух девушек (брюнетку и блондинку) среднего роста и телосложения.
Игровой ...
Оплата: 2000 UAH