Looking for model for a photoshoot

I'm looking for a dark skin model for a jewellery shooting. Send me a message if interested! (Tfp)
Alessia Pozzi
2 Mar 2021 at 1:35 pm
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Looking for actresses for film
Hi all, I'm in the process of casting for a short film about artificial intelligence, robotics and the future of love. ...
Оплата: By agreement
Looking for actors
ATTENTION : Casting call for actors. Please email casting@acpnetwork.co.uk with Name, age & headshot Share & ...
Оплата: By agreement
На съемки полнометражного фильма требуется актер крепкого телосложения
ВНИМАНИЕ МОСКВА 13.03. И 21.03. Для полнометражной драматической картины, реж. Антон Маслов, ТРЕБУЕТСЯ: Мужчина, в ...
Оплата: 10000 ₽