Все кастинги
Looking for females
Hello all! Weave is looking for a VO artist for a corporate video.
Gender: Female
Tone: Youthful, warm, casual
Video duration: 3-5mins
Able to work remotely with own studio set up.
Loading platform: Online, Perpetual
Interested parties, please email the following:
Past projects or sample reads
Your rates
With subject: "VO - (Your Name)" to ha***@weave.com.sg
Please do note that we will get in touch with shortlisted applicants. Thank you!
Hello all! Weave is looking for a VO artist for a corporate video.
Gender: Female
Tone: Youthful, warm, casual
Video duration: 3-5mins
Able to work remotely with own studio set up.
Loading platform: Online, Perpetual
Interested parties, please email the following:
Past projects or sample reads
Your rates
With subject: "VO - (Your Name)" to ha***@weave.com.sg
Please do note that we will get in touch with shortlisted applicants. Thank you!

Всем привет Киев. Съёмка рекламы
Кастинг завтра, 4 марта
Мужчины 25-55 лет (на роль бизнесменов)
Дата съёмки 21-27 ...
Оплата: 8000 UAH

__Casting call__
We are looking for a woman in her late 50's/ over 60's to play a character in my upcoming music ...
Оплата: 11000 $

Москва, на съемки интернет рекламы турагенства
18.03 нужны актеры, молодой человек и девушка
Возраст 25-30 лет
Полный ...
Оплата: 7500 ₽