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Looking for English, Arabic-speaking hostesses for Gulf Food
We are looking for English and Arabic speaking hostesses for Gulffood Dubai
Working days - 21-25 of February (5 days)
Working time: 10 am - 5 pm
Duties - meeting visitors, providing
them with company information, tea-coffee-drinks services, helping managers at the desk, telling about the company.
Payment is 100 USD per day
If you are ready to work all days please please send your photos, height, level of languages and WhatsApp number to ex***@litemodels.ru with subject "Gulf Food"
Working days - 21-25 of February (5 days)
Working time: 10 am - 5 pm
Duties - meeting visitors, providing
them with company information, tea-coffee-drinks services, helping managers at the desk, telling about the company.
Payment is 100 USD per day
If you are ready to work all days please please send your photos, height, level of languages and WhatsApp number to ex***@litemodels.ru with subject "Gulf Food"

Всем привет! Внимание, КАСТИНГ
Завтра, 20.02.
Для съёмки рекламы пива
Съемка 18-19.03. (один или несколько дней) ...
Оплата: 4800 UAH

Криминальный телесериал.
28 февраля 2021 (будут ещё съёмочные дни апрель - июль)
Нужна женщина, желательно ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽

Всем привет! Ищу актера похожего типажа. Музыкальный клип.
Съемочные дни 1 и 3е марта.
Гонорар и подробности в личные ...
Оплата: By agreement