Looking for male for a photoshoot

1 Male Model | Downtown Arts District | 1 Hr | $50 Hi! A client that I am photographing for is looking for a male model for a short shoot. Client: international designer headphone brand Date/Time: in the next week or two. Will be coordinated with your schedule Concept: achieving goals; self motivation; spring energy Preference: Male Latinx/Latino; African American/Black; Asian; or passing as such Location: Downtown Arts District Please comment your Instagram (or alike) below or message me on Instagram. I rarely check Facebook messages. Thanks! instagram.com/al*** alvinyjkim.com/gallery COVID Precautions: This will be a small quick shoot between the model and photographer (me). Two members of the company will be present to assist as well. We will be shooting outdoors and can provide a hand sanitizer upon request.
Alvin YJ Kim
19 Jan 2021 at 12:28 pm
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