Все кастинги
#Hong Kong
Looking for females for film
Hello everyone,
I am Willson, the casting director for a local feature film "TMU".
We are currently looking for a mixed Eurasian TWIN SISTERS to play the teenage version of our actresses. We are looking for girls around the age of 18-22, have an interest in acting and able to follow simple direction.
However, the scene have a specific requirement and for anyone interested please whatsapp for more information.
The shoot is scheduled to begin in February and last till early April.
Shoot dates for the girls will be around 2-3 days, depending on progress.
Please email me at ww***@gmail.com or whatsapp me at 96124375 should you be interested.
Thanks, Willson
I am Willson, the casting director for a local feature film "TMU".
We are currently looking for a mixed Eurasian TWIN SISTERS to play the teenage version of our actresses. We are looking for girls around the age of 18-22, have an interest in acting and able to follow simple direction.
However, the scene have a specific requirement and for anyone interested please whatsapp for more information.
The shoot is scheduled to begin in February and last till early April.
Shoot dates for the girls will be around 2-3 days, depending on progress.
Please email me at ww***@gmail.com or whatsapp me at 96124375 should you be interested.
Thanks, Willson

Добрый день!
Для съемки бренда одежды срочно ищу модель.
Рост ДО 175, размер одежды 46-48!
съемка 19 ноября
Оплата: By agreement

Размер одежды 42-52
Съемки на регулярной основе, кто уже мне отправлял заявки, не дублируйте, ...
Оплата: By agreement

МЕГА Парнас 12 дней с 25.11 по 6.12
МЕГА Дыбенко 12 дней с 9.12 по 20.12.
Стенд с автомобилем, задача рассказывать ...
Оплата: 4000 ₽