Wanted model for a photoshoot

Hi there!
New to the group and wanted to say hi!
I'm looking for people to shoot with on either a TFP or paid if youre feeling generous!
I'm typically classed as an alternative model because of the hair and piercings but I dont like to put myself in that box, I am an artist by my own definition. I do styling, hair and am an MUA too, also do SFX makeup.
My Instagram is - Instagram.com/la***
This is where most of my work is but I can send a full portfolio if needed.
I'm 5"7 (without shoes lol) have tattoos and multiple piercings and I'm inbetween a size 8/10, I wear glasses but tend to take them off for shoots. I am in the Northamptonshire area, but very close to Warwickshire and Oxfordshire too, am willing to travel if costs are covered. I have lots of locations in mind too!

Heres some of my favourite pics so far! +7
Lauren Pryer
23 Oct 2020 at 1:26 pm
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