Need dancers


We are looking for a
Body Double - tap dancer
1 x male or female 20 - 45 yrs old

An adult - expert tap dancer, who can be used for close-ups of the feet - ideally a small person... not fat or large people He / she should be able to tap dance "on-the-move" - not just on one spot...
This dancer will also be used as a main stage dancer too Performnce for self tape submission:
Performance for self tape:
1 - Introduce yourself, do your profiles, tell us about your dancing, how long you have been doing it and where you dance etc
2 -Tap dance for us, show off... show us your best moves.. dance around not only in 1 spot, need to see you move from 1 side of the stage to the other

Package deal per dancer offered includes usage
2 x days shooting
20 hours rehearsal & 4 hours o/t per
Shoot day R36 000.00
(For renegotiating rates on renewals R 7 000.00)

Send your video to
Whatsapp: ***
Facebook: models making moves
Please share, Thank you
Mike Talent Scout Rsa
9 Sep 2020 at 5:16 pm
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