Все кастинги
Require actors for film
Require two male actors of Arab descent for short sketch/ film. It will be shot in english language so they must be able to converse in english. Please send private DM to discuss further. It will be a paid job.
Please revert on messenger
Thank you
Please revert on messenger
Thank you

We need Algerian and morrocon male for shoot
Age 25-35
Good profile
What's app
Оплата: By agreement

Hi there! Seeking a few female models
for shooting a trap music video.
Situation: Dance in Bikini around the pool, ...
Оплата: 100 $ per day

Девочки! Еще можно успеть записаться на проект!
Ставка 250 руб/ час(если все 6 дней работы)
*Гипермаркет О'КЕЙ ...
Оплата: 250 ₽ per hour