Looking for models

Paid Casting Call! Job: This is My America Location: Anywhere in the US (remote) Shoot Dates: Sept 21 (tentatively) Compensation: $150 Non-union Email me @: fe***@soulpancake.com for questions only!
More info on the project: We are looking for people of all ages (over 18+), all ethnicities, all genders, and all identities to participate. Our mission is to paint picture of the harmonious humanity that we hope to believe Americans long for. This is a photo series, so participants can be ANYWHERE in the U.S. but must have the ability to connect with one of our producers via video chat.
Here is the link to the job: thisismyamerica.castingcrane.com Feel free to share it with your family & friends all over the country. We want a good representation of America. Feel free to reach out with any questions. THISISMYAMERICA.CASTINGCRANE.COM

This is MY America

This is MY America
Fernando Davila
4 Sep 2020 at 11:26 pm
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